Interpretive Signage Design "share the shore with beach nesters" about sea turtles, horseshoe crabs, and shorebirds in SC
A red knot handled by an SCDNR researcher for geotag placement
A red knot handled by an SCDNR researcher for geotag placement
A flock of red knots at an SCDNR Seabird Sanctuary
A flock of red knots at an SCDNR Seabird Sanctuary
Interpretive signage for MOTUS tower sites in South Carolina and beyond
Interpretive signage for MOTUS tower sites in South Carolina and beyond
Researchers placing a tower on an SCDNR Seabird Sanctuary to track tagged whimbrel migration
Researchers placing a tower on an SCDNR Seabird Sanctuary to track tagged whimbrel migration
A line of South Carolina's shorebirds for visual identification
A line of South Carolina's seabirds for visual identification
Various shorebird species gather to feed at the shoreline on horseshoe crab eggs
An illustration of a Wilson's plover with it's eggs
An illustration of a Wilson's plover with it's eggs
An illustration updating the public on seasonal closings of SCDNR Seabird Sanctuaries
An illustration updating the public on seasonal closings of SCDNR Seabird Sanctuaries
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